
Why is DRYAGED steak more expensive than regular steak?

The beef aging process mainly uses two steps to change the quality of the beef.

  1. Water evaporates from the muscle tissue, which concentrates the flavor of the beef.
  2. The natural enzymes in beef break down the connective tissue in the muscles, making the meat softer and more tender.
  3. Natural enzyme fermentation of beef improves tenderness, flavor and juiciness of beef

What factors directly affect the selling prices of the two?

  • Precision equipment is needed to achieve a constant temperature and humidity environment so that the beef can be matured under the most suitable conditions (environmental factors)
  • According to research by the American Beef Association, the matured flavor will not be released until at least 21 days of aging (time factor)
  • After the beef is placed in a constant temperature, humidity, and ventilated environment for at least 21 days, the outer layer of the beef will form an air-dried shell, which we call "maturation loss." This shell is not edible, and the longer the aging time, the greater the loss it will endure. Large (fixed factor)